Wednesday, December 5, 2012

For this blog post you must visit The White House virtually. View the rooms inside and the grounds outside. Notice the artifacts and architecture. Decide what is the most inspiring and/or interesting to you and why. Why do you think our founding fathers felt it was important to build such an impressive home for our presidents?

Write a formal business letter to your Congressmen requesting a visit and explaining exactly what you want to see and why it is important to you. 

December 5, 2013

Zoe Lonfgren
635 N. First Street, B 
San Jose, CA 95112  

Dear Congresswoman Lofgren.

My name is David Celio and I would like to request a ticket to visit the White House. The White House has been a very important part of history and is very informational to a student like myself. My school doesn't annual field trip like most schools use to so I would like to take this opportunity upon myself and visit the White House. 

When I go there I would like to visit the East and West Wing and the Kitchen. I would also like to look at all the paintings on the wall and the architecture of the building. This is important for me because I feel that this will be an experience that will help me with my personal knowledge  about how we came to be the United States of America. 

If it is possible I would like to go anytime in June, since I will be out of school. If you would like to contact me, my phone number is 1 (555) 555-5555. My address is 1234 Red Road SJ, CA

Thank you for taking the time to read my request.


David Celio

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